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Share your experience and best practices using TeleGrow Platform as a trainer

Dear members,

When our VET trainers were asked about the performance and satisfaction of the platform, there were plenty of responses about the strengths of the platform and the projection it could have as well as its usability.

We have collected two interesting testimonials that can help us to understand their point of view:

"The platform is a very valid digital tool for teleworking but also because we have learnt many new and useful concepts and contents to develop in the future in our profession."

"Having all this training compiled in one place. I think that extra training for teachers, especially middle-aged teachers, can be useful for us."

Dear members,

We share some testiomonials from VET Trainers that have used TeleGrow Platform:

"The platform does not require prior preparation, if the concepts are known beforehand they can be taught to students from minute zero."

"The existence of a presentation material means that VET trainers do not have any problem that they lack a concept to explain."

"Very interesting content, easy to use and with very useful case studies"

"It is a very intuitive platform, contains all the necessary information and can be easily accessed."

Dear members,

We present to you some of the responses of Vet trainers who have used the Telegrow paltform:

"Materials very well formulated and interesting, useful educational material such as case studies."

"The materials are helpful for teachers especially teachers 50+, all the necessary content related to digital skills is in one place."

Dear members,

We would like to share with you some comments from VET trainers participating in the testing of the TeleGrow platform:

"The design of the platform and its ease of use are certainly one of its advantages, while the fact that it includes the notes for VET trainers, which are indeed very useful and innovative, is an additional incentive for its use in VET".

"The platform is easy to use and navigate. The tools and training modules are easily accessible. It also provides a wealth of information that a trainer can use in his/her training".

Dear users,

The VET trainers shared some interesting feedback about the platform after the testing phase:

"The design is nice, there is interesting content and a lot of essential information for learners".

"I find the platform very well constructed with well separated modules by topic. Some topics will be useful for my courses."