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Storico messaggi: Victoria Gomez
Dear members,
Do you know DigCompEDU - Digital Competence Framework for Educators?
DigCompEDU …In: E-books
2 anni fa
Dear members,
Are you a VET Trainer and do you want to assess your digital skills as an Educator? …In: Factsheets
2 anni fa
Dear members,
Have you heard of DigComp - Digital Competence Framework for Citizens?
DigComp i …In: E-books
2 anni fa
Dear members,
We share with you a very useful tool to assess digital skills in a series of releva …In: Factsheets
2 anni fa
Dear members,
Do you want to know more about Teleworking and Digital Skills? Read our report and …In: E-books
2 anni fa
Dear members,
We share some testiomonials from VET Trainers that have used TeleGrow Platform:
&q …In: Testimonies
2 anni fa
How can I use the content with my students?
We have developed a Trainers notes where you can find u …In: Questions about the content
2 anni fa
What is the content of the different training modules?
TeleGrow is structure in 6 modules with th …In: Questions about the content
2 anni fa
Do I need a user to access the platform?
No, you don’t. The platform is opened to every internet us …In: Questions about the Platform
2 anni fa
Is there any content about soft skills?
Yes, of course. TeleGrow project have developed a complete …In: Questions about the content
2 anni fa
How can I learn more about a particular module?
Each module has a PDF document to learn more. They …In: Questions about the content
2 anni fa
How is structured each training module?
Each module will consist of the following separate sections …In: Questions about the content
2 anni fa
What is the content of the different training modules?
TeleGrow is structure in 6 modules with thes …In: Questions about the content
2 anni fa
Dear members,
We share some of the testimonials we have collected from VET Learners that have use …In: Testimonies
2 anni fa